Tag Archives: Think



Karma operates at the deepest level of our being. Therefore its working cannot be grasped without rigorous introspection and true empathy with another person’s condition. Nonetheless, all of us do pick up hints now and then, from ancient stories and from the life around us.

A famous story in the Bible has Cain asking God, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’

Cain was denying any responsibility for the well-being of his younger bother Abel and – by implication – for the well-being of other human beings. In fact the jealous Cain had killed Abel prior to this exchange with God, and therefore that question was also Cain’s attempt to cover up his horrendous crime. The story goes that, thereafter, Cain lived the life of a restless wanderer.

Continue reading CIVILIZATION – 4



Our earlier two posts (here and here) discussed the war economy, and the fact that nations must also face the consequences of their actions. Thus each of these posts was a specific instance of the inexorable laws of karma at work. That should not surprise anyone, given that the blog aims to seek out root causes of the multifarious phenomena we see around us!

At this stage, we thought that a brief discussion about the laws of karma was also needed – and so here it is!

Imagine that, for the first time in your life, you are passing through a thick forest. Foliage is so thick that daylight barely reaches ground level. Turning back is not an option, because you know your life’s goal lies ahead. As you move, you walk into branches and bushes, slip, stumble, hurt yourself, tire, be bitten by bugs, be fearful, be thirsty … and much more. You curse your fate. You curse the forest. But if you are wise, and if you persevere, you will make it through the forest and achieve your life’s goal.

Continue reading CIVILIZATION – 3


Over the last few weeks, a truth has dawned on this seeker.

Internet is flooded with opinions … answers … narratives … theories … viewpoints … self-promotions … whatever. Almost every person on our beloved planet is able to share something of that kind with almost every other person on the planet. This is in fact a mind-boggling gift of technology.

Thank you, Internet!

But there is clearly a HUGE down side to all this. What is an individual to make of this unprecedented, incredible information overload?


In the absence of these two crucial elements, an individual is literally lost — drowned? — in the flood of information.

Therefore, instead of hawking yet another opinion … answer … narrative … theory … viewpoint … whatever … Why not try something else? 

Why not prompt … provoke … nudge … prod … the search for answers in the recesses of the individual mind? That should be fun!

Questions will be posted — or, to be more precise, points to ponder. The hope is that these will generate answers. Not ‘perfect’ answers, of course, because there is no such thing. But honest and authentic attempts, offered to others in the spirit of sharing.

Join the treasure hunt!

Watch this space.