Category Archives: Delusion



[This post outlines a current trend which we feel should be watched. To keep it from becoming too long to hold the reader’s interest, we have not included the factual evidence which proves the trend. For the interested reader, we have provided brief allusions to evidence available on the internet. Readers are welcome to also request us for more specific explanations.]

The United States of America (US) rates itself as ‘an exceptional and indispensable nation’. Statements made by US presidents from Ronald Reagan onwards – easily searchable on the web – make this attitude clear to anyone who can put two and two together and get the right answer. During his time on the world stage, Barack Obama said: ‘I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being’. His method was to speak with so much panache that people would not notice the inherent absurdity.

Continue reading CIVILIZATION – 2

Gutless Wonders

The English word ‘gut’ is rich in its range of meanings. In Biology, ‘gut’ means ‘intestine’ – as in ‘gut bacteria’ or ‘gutting a fish’; this meaning extends to the racquet strings used in sports such as tennis and badminton. In common usage, ‘guts’ refers to ‘courage’, as in ‘having the guts to take on the huge challenge of _______’ (fill in your favourite). Continue reading Gutless Wonders


‘Wish I could be a fly on the wall when X and Y meet one-on-one’. This is an ardent – and not very uncommon – wish among those who must know ‘what is really going on in the world’. X and Y are of course two global power-mongers – of the greater or the lesser kind – who imagine that they hold the future of mankind in their hands.

In the absence of the wish coming true, ardent knowledge-seekers are left with no ‘raw material’ except ill-informed and uninformed speculation, to be garnished liberally with flights of fancy and hints of the mysterious. This is how common folk are led to think ‘they know what is going on’ – by those who think ‘they know more of what is going on’. Continue reading FLY ON THE WALL

Life at the Top

Full disclosure: While the author has at times felt being “on top of the world”, he cannot claim any personal experience of “life at the top”. However, being a keen witness and a dogged student, the common idea of “top” fascinates him. After all, a crazed race to “the top” inevitably leads to injustice, crime and war. But anyone obsessed with “reaching the top” can provide only a self-serving report of his or her life. Therefore an objective if light-hearted study is attempted here. Continue reading Life at the Top