[This post outlines a current trend which we feel should be watched. To keep it from becoming too long to hold the reader’s interest, we have not included the factual evidence which proves the trend. For the interested reader, we have provided brief allusions to evidence available on the internet. Readers are welcome to also request us for more specific explanations.]

The United States of America (US) rates itself as ‘an exceptional and indispensable nation’. Statements made by US presidents from Ronald Reagan onwards – easily searchable on the web – make this attitude clear to anyone who can put two and two together and get the right answer. During his time on the world stage, Barack Obama said: ‘I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being’. His method was to speak with so much panache that people would not notice the inherent absurdity.

Obama may not get it, but the famous English proverb cited above allows for no exceptions. Law of Karma applies to all human beings, without exception, regardless of what a deluded person or a society may choose to believe.

The word ‘indispensable’ is equally problematic, implying that no person or society on our beautiful, shared Planet Earth can manage their affairs without US ‘assistance’, in fact interference. Joe Biden has recently uttered such nonsense more than once. That arrogant claim is hugely insulting to every society on the planet which is not a servile underling of the US.

NATO, G7 and EU wink and play along in the US game of make-believe. They show up at events as no more than smartly dressed-up underlings of ‘the leader’. This behaviour becomes obvious when we see them fall in line dutifully with every self-serving position ‘the leader’ takes. There is never the faintest murmur of dissent, not even when ‘the leader’ adopts a merciless policy of ‘MIGHT IS RIGHT’ against far weaker countries.

Instances of this ‘leader and the gang’ behaviour are found easily from the histories of Vietnam, Chile, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and more. The US played a despicable role during the Bangladesh war of independence.

US policy became even more brazen after the fall of the Soviet Union. These facts of recent history are easily verified, provided only that viewpoints from all sides of any conflict are considered fairly – rather than only the dressed-up and self-serving pronouncements spun out by ‘the west’.

The whole ensemble, ‘the leader and the minions’, designate themselves somewhat grotesquely as ‘the western civilization’.

‘The leader’ claims to have developed a so-called ‘rules-based world order’ for all other countries to follow. However, incredible though it may sound, the said ‘rules’ are nowhere to be found clearly articulated. There is no record of the US ever being authorized to formulate rules for others to follow.

Tony Blinken, the current US Secretary of State (equivalent to Foreign Minister), refers to this mythical ‘rules-based world order’ every now and then, without being able to define it. This is the gentleman who mouths noble platitudes about human rights hours after authorizing a continuation of genocide.

The reality, of course, is that all these brazen western narratives provide cover for a greedy and brutal policy of ‘MIGHT IS RIGHT’. What is mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine – because we are ‘the exceptional people’.

QUESTION: What happens within the US itself if its ruling classes understand only dishonesty and brute power? What are the likely domestic consequences of such extreme narrow-mindedness of the US ruling classes?

Normally, one would expect that a country dictating rules to others would exhibit beneficial effects of those rules within its own borders. By what right does the US tout rules to the world if rules don’t work even within the US? Why should other countries pay any attention? Are they stupid?

Let us examine that point, shifting our attention from sowing to reaping.

The closest the US comes to applying rules within its borders is through innumerable laws, where we take ‘rules’ and ‘laws’ as synonyms.

It is the nature of human societies that a ‘rule’ or ‘law’ works well only when it is applied uniformly to one and all. If applied capriciously, ‘rules’ or ‘laws’ lead to totally unruly and lawless behaviour. Why? Because, sooner or later, people wake up to the deception of the ruling classes. Sooner or later, there is protest, unrest and rebellion. Nobody loves duplicity and hypocrisy.

Today we see that, within the US, laws are being politicized. Those who have applied brutal ‘divide and conquer’ policies to others are today brutally dividing themselves. Law is applied differently based on whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. Drug use, petty crime and gun crime are rampant, and financial scams even more so. There is no agreement on immigration, abortion, free speech, human rights, or even the meaning of ‘gender’.

Differences are growing, but there is no visible framework which can help resolve the bitter differences and bring about reconciliation. Civility and other virtues are lost; only huge monetary expansion keeps the show going.

The emperor has no clothes – and by implication no brains. Arrogance and greed of the US ruling classes have squeezed out from their minds all traces of wisdom, clear thought and the ability to cooperate.

Watch closely as history unfolds along totally predictable lines. Incredible as that may seem, human history going back millennia has failed to inculcate wisdom and common sense in the self-proclaimed rulers of the world.

The human mind is obdurate, blind to the consequences of its own working.

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