About this blog

This site is conceived and managed by R. Srinivasan and Naresh Jotwani. We two were class-mates and hostel-mates in IIT Bombay from 1968 to 1973. Since then, Srini followed a career in management and Naresh in academics. Today Srini lives in Hyderabad, and Naresh in a village in Gujarat.

Today, looking back upon all that has happened in our lives since those days, we have found ourselves in agreement on many fundamental issues of life.

[Srini and Naresh, in that order.]

In particular, we both have found that the long-standing wisdom of the land of India stands the test of time. We hope to justify that finding through posts on this blog, using references to recent history.

Writing is an enjoyable pastime. This site allows us to clarify our thoughts and to arrange our writing in a more or less logical manner. We offer the results to readers in the spirit like that of the child above!

We hope  readers will enjoy reading as much as we enjoy writing.  Readers are invited to post questions, opinions, or a topics for exploration. Please post  comments to that effect, taking care only to avoid impolite language.

Interaction will add to the joy!

Happy reading!

One thought on “About this blog”

  1. A bit like a man on a desert island putting out a message in a bottle … except that (a) this is not a ‘HELP’ message, and (b) there are millions of such bottles being thrown into the ocean know as the ‘cloud’!

    So what is so different about this particular message?

    For one thing: It has no identifiable subject — because any subject will only limit the scope of inquiry.

    For another: Rules of logic and common human decency will be followed scrupulously. Politics of any kind and any reference to specific individuals or groups will be shunned.

    And lastly: A sense of humour will be maintained at all times — as this poster and all others hurtle through infinite space on the tiny lifeboat called Earth.


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Insights into modern life