by Jayram Daya, Guest author

Preface: Here our good friend Jayram Daya shares with us the story of a deeply personal journey of recovering his health. On this journey, he discovered the huge importance of attaining full harmony of mind, body and spirit. Further along the same journey, he discovered the unity of all existence.

It is truly a remarkable story! Pain is turned to gain!

Harmony between mind, body, and spirit is important to me. I believe that when the soul’s energy stimulates the body and mind, healing occurs naturally. I have healed myself many times from physical and emotional scars caused by the cruel world around me. I am now able to lead a normal life, engaging in physical and mental activities, after undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, as well as conquering emotional challenges. I am firmly convinced that the journey of self-healing should begin with first gaining immediate relief through medication and surgery.

A few points of detail about my experiences:

  • I began a proactive and motivated journey towards self-healing. If one is undergoing chemotherapy or surgery, one must meticulously listen to the body’s signals.
  • I took ownership of my healing and sought assistance from my family. Exercise and natural herbs helped me strengthen my immune system during my rehabilitation.
  • Recognizing and respecting my body’s limitations, such as eliminating non-digestible milk products and others, required self-awareness and caring. As I recovered, I changed my diet to meet my body’s needs.
  • I listened to my body during my healing journey and adjusted my self-care habits accordingly. I avoided sympathizers for a few bad days, by not discussing with anybody my distressed body and thoughts.

Through that long experience, my mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium theory evolved into holistic healing principles. Sadly, the inter-connectivity of these characteristics in humans is very often underestimated. Yet, yet when mind, body and spirit are aligned and working together with synchronized energy, they perform wonders for us.

I strongly believe in the soul’s ability to empower the mind and body. Healing is about more than just treating physical diseases; it is also about nourishing the inner self and tapping into a source of resilience and vigour. My personal experience with healing from both physical and mental scars with this concept confirms its value. Seeing how my conviction in the connectivity of mind, body, and spirit has helped me get through difficult circumstances and aided my recovery process, I am encouraged to share this knowledge with others.

Engaging in music I enjoy offers psychological benefits. Whether it is classical music, calming melodies, or rhythmic beats, discovering what feels harmonic has become a powerful tool for fostering self-healing and well-being.

Staying in tune with my energies promotes personal well-being and a strong connection to my surroundings. By finding peace within myself, I hope it will guide me towards healing and fulfilment until the end of my journey.

Supporting notes:

(1) I prefer not to dwell on my prior illnesses, since I see them as resolved issues and keep my mind focused on the positive effects. Hence I have not detailed any of them here.

(2) Many of my thoughts and practices draw inspiration from Sanatan Dharma, rooted in the Upanishads, Ayurveda, and related scriptures. Adi Shakti is my main inspiration.

(3) I have employed the principle of living creatures’ vibrations to produce resonance, either to destroy or to promote the healing process. In reality, the vibration frequencies of significant bodily functions range from 3 to 17 Hz. According to the International Standard ISO 2631, the sensitive range in the human body is 6 to 8 Hz.

(4) It is fascinating how various aspects of our existence, including bodily functions and even music, can be understood through the lens of vibrational frequencies. Many ancient healing practices, including certain forms of yoga like Kundalini yoga, indeed emphasize the significance of vibrations and their impact on our well-being. In Kundalini yoga, practitioners often use specific sounds, chants, and even music to stimulate and balance energy centres within the body, known as chakras. This practice is believed to facilitate healing and spiritual growth by harmonizing the body’s energy.

(5) Similarly, in modern holistic healing approaches, music therapy is gaining recognition for its ability to affect physical, emotional, and mental states. Different frequencies and rhythms can indeed have varying effects on our physiology and psychology. For instance, studies have shown that certain types of music can reduce stress, alleviate pain, and even improve cognitive function. I cannot explain exactly how that worked for me, but as soon as I discovered relief in one engagement, I repeated it until I was satisfied. I am still doing that.

(6) I consider the atma (soul) as the most refined form of energy, which always finds a steady state with its surrounding energies. I believe that when the soul’s energy stimulates the body and mind, healing occurs naturally. Is this not an important relation that I discovered in my sickness?

All matter in the universe communicates with energy in all aspects of creation, sustenance and destruction. When matter cannot be further divided, energy takes its rightful place which is as a function of vibrating field and light, and which may eventually conclude with a unified scientific theory of matter, energy and space.

So then there is nothing left. At the fundamental core of matter, and therefore at the fundamental core of everything in our universe, there are no material objects. It is just pure energy, or say it is just energy vortices; you and I are just energy vortices.

(7) In order to validate these discoveries, let us first think about the five realms that control cosmic existence. While space contains matter and energy that are unfolding in a time-variant structure, it is the singularity which provides order. If we replace singularity with consciousness, then there is only one real, entity that is connected to everything else in the universe – and that is chit, as described in the Vedic scriptures.

In the absence of matter consciousness, chit is in control of energy in the space-time continuum. Consider the soul as refined energy being housed in space, where light consists electromagnetic fields, propagating through space without requiring a medium. Then many activities that are present in this space can be defined as actions of a quantized field still unknown to science. But in fact all that is only energy.

Mass and energy are equivalent, and Planck showed that energy quanta are related to frequency. Since frequency is the inverse of wavelength, we see that space, time and energy are inseparable.

Energy is only transformed. It is neither created nor destroyed. This energy, that is you and that is everything else, persists forever. You are the same energy as everything else in our universe. So this means that humans are purely eternal spiritual beings.

[Editor’s note: The word ‘singularity’, as used here by the author, is synonymous with ‘unity of all things’, the basic insight of Advait.]

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  1. I had to read your health struggles and your road to recovery a couple of times, just to get a good idea as to what you have been through and it was very thought provoking. I have been away from our culture for a long time, so it was refreshing to learn that you have possibilities of self healing after modern medicine has addressed the root cause of your illness. I admire your focus and self analysis to a path of recovery and also taking the time to share your journey. I used to listen to music in my younger days, maybe it is time to listen to different styles and see what I like. Thanks again for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thought provoking article! Jayram Daya exhorts us to explore and stay in the unity of the body, mind and spirit as well as use conducive vibrational frequencies for healing and well being. Jayram you seamlessly move from the individual to the universal. Space, Time and Energy are the fundamentals of both our individual existence as also the Universal Existence. You seem to be an Advaitist which to me signifies the true knowing or Jnana.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honored to share on “Seeker-of-Root-Causes.” Since birth, I’ve been graced with the divine vibration of OM, my everlasting companion, guiding my spirit, mind, and body into harmony. Dhanyavaad, Abhinandan Thank you OM


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